Welcome to Osteopathic Resolutions.
Thank you for scheduling your appointment with us. You have taken the first step towards healing, and we are here to help you through the next steps. Please feel free to discuss any specific needs you have for this consultation—we are here to listen.
Practical Information
The first two hours are free. Please enter your license plate number. There is two hours free parking in the streets also.
We recommend to wear ‘loose clothing’ that allows access to your body parts for treatment. Any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask your practitioner as it is important that you feel comfortable throughout your consultation.
Initial consultation (60 minutes): $145.
Follow-up (45 minutes): $125
We offer a reduced rate for pediatric consultations 95$, which are generally shorter.
- Claiming your Benefits from your Insurance
Pamela Rogers and Lise Steimer are members of OsteopathyBC.
First, please check if your personal plan covers Osteopathic (Manual) Practitioners. In BC, there is a distinction between this term and "Osteopath," which is reserved for medical doctors and surgeons.
Second, if your practitioner is not listed, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist in resolving the issue.
Lise began working at Osteopathic Resolutions in September. Unfortunately, some insurance companies do not update their lists frequently.
We look forward to meeting you and contributing to your health journey.
Pamela, Lise